
Horn Review


Horn Review-Old


Ideas . Connections . Synergy

History will one day have its say; it will not be the history taught in the United Nations, Washington, Paris, or Brussels, however, but the history taught in the countries that have rid themselves of colonialism and its puppets. Africa will write its own history and both north and south of the Sahara it will be a history full of glory and dignity.

Patrice Lumumba’s last letter to Pauline Lumumba,

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Explore today’s most pertinent issues in the Horn

The GERD Trilateral Talks: what is next?

The Nile, the longest river in the world, passes through eleven countries; distinctly shaping each…

GERD: Striving for Survival and Fighting False Narratives

Hydro-diplomacy plays a crucial role in fostering cooperation and negotiation among countries…

China’s Expanding Arms Dealing in Africa: Yet another threat to the Peace and Security of the Continent

China's increasing involvement in arms dealing in Africa has raised concerns about the potential…

The Wheat Politics and War – How should Africa navigate?

The wheat politics of Russia and Ukraine have had a significant impact on Africa, both positive and…

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