We publish a wide range of reports, research papers and briefing papers.
Our highly respected journals, International Affairs and the Journal of Cyber Policy, and our magazine The World Today, are required reading for policymakers seeking to understand strategic challenges in international affairs.
We also publish occasional books, such as through the Insights book series, published in collaboration with Brookings.
Our journals, magazine and books provide forums for debate and include articles by experts who may not be directly affiliated with Chatham House. The views expressed in all publications are those of the contributors. Chatham House does not take institutional positions.
Latest Research Publications
Ending the Crisis in Sudan: A Call for Humanitarian Action and Peace
The ongoing conflict in Sudan demands urgent humanitarian intervention to...
Donald Trump's "America FIrst" Foreign Policy
Welcome to the 11th edition of Horn Review, a publication...
Ethiopia's ROle in HOrn of Africa Security
Welcome to the 10th edition of Horn Review, a milestone...
Ethiopia's Role in Horn of Africa Security: Regional Peacekeeping, Rising Tensions, and the Future of Somalia
Ambassador General Bacha Debele, Ethiopia's Ambassador to Kenya