Smart Cities, Green Corridors: Ethiopia’s Path to a Sustainable Diplomatic Future
Traditionally, international diplomacy has been the domain of nation-states, working through multilateral forums like the United Nations, G20, or the African Union. However, these high-level negotiations often take time, and the solutions may not always reflect the specific and immediate needs of cities. Local governments cannot afford to wait; they are acting now, taking the lead in implementing Smart City solutions that address urgent challenges in real-time and transform their cities’ image to the internal as well as external public. Smart City development typically occurs within a national framework, but cities also participate in Smart City Diplomacy on the global stage to share knowledge, collaborate on pilot projects, and attract international investments. In this way, Ethiopia is undertaking a major project to transform hundreds of its towns into smart cities. The initiative aims to upgrade urban services, improve the quality of life for residents, and drive overall urban development across the country.
The key elements of the smart city concept involve upgrading office services, offering accessible and efficient services, and implementing e-services. This smart city initiative spans major cities such as Addis Ababa, Adama, Bishoftu, Debre Birhan, Dessie, Jimma, Hawassa, and Bahir Dar. The initiative holds immense potential for Ethiopia’s urban landscape. By adopting smart technology and focusing on sustainable development, the goal is to build a more dynamic, efficient, and livable future for millions of Ethiopians.
In the Ethiopian development sphere, as the rapidly growing population of the capital and other regional cities has led to an increased demand for infrastructure development over the years, the city’s administrations have been undertaking various initiatives to address longstanding challenges in this area. One such initiative is the corridor development project which plays a crucial role in shaping the urban landscape and improving the overall efficiency of cities.

Through the corridor development activities, the smart city initiative is also vital to improve image of the capital by harnessing advanced technologies and infrastructures that will lead to smart living conditions The Project is based on the digital transformation drive with a view to make Addis Ababa and other cities more livable and attractive. According to data, the smart city initiative will be rolled out across 58 institutions and 120 districts within the city’s 11 sub-cities, with an overall investment surpassing 280 million Birre. Being Addis Ababa, as the seat of the African Union (AU) and numerous other multilateral organizations, plays a pivotal role in Africa’s diplomatic, political, and economic landscape. The importance of corridor development and smart city initiatives in Addis Ababa is immense, given the city’s strategic role as a center of international diplomacy and its rapid urban growth.
Fig: Ethiopia’s New Framework of Smart City Diplomacy following the corridor development Project

By promoting sustainable and inclusive growth along corridors, countries can increase their diplomatic leverage in global discussions on development, sustainability, and international cooperation. Ethiopia’s recent corridor development project enhances people-to-people diplomacy by facilitating movement and exchange between citizens of different countries. Enhanced transportation routes, such as railways, highways, or pipelines, allow greater mobility for workers, tourists, students, and professionals .By developing dedicated lanes or routes for buses, taxis, bikes and trains can fundamentally improve the efficiency of public transport systems, reducing traffic congestion and providing faster and more reliable transportation for city residents.
On top of that it creates well to have a smart traffic management system. Integrating smart technologies into traffic management systems, such as real-time traffic monitoring and intelligent traffic signals, can enhance traffic flow along urban corridors, alleviating congestion and contributing to better air quality. The business hubs initiated at the center where several offices and people are gathering through the corridor development can also foster the growth of commercial zones, motivating businesses to establish operations along key routes where they have access to high foot traffic and transportation links. This can lead to job creation and greater economic activity. The country’s corridor development has also play a key role for the real estate development industry. It drives real estate development, especially in areas that were once neglected or lacked services, by boosting demand for both residential and commercial properties from global investors.
In the diplomatic perfective, Smart cities enhance a country’s soft power by showcasing modernity, sustainability, and cutting-edge technology. By offering an attractive living environment, these cities draw international attention, helping countries improve their global reputation and diplomatic influence. Smart cities and corridor development programs offer countries powerful tools to advance their diplomatic goals by fostering cooperation, promoting economic ties, and enhancing global influence. These initiatives Offer platforms for countries to work together on common challenges, showcase innovation, and build lasting diplomatic relationships that transcend national borders.
Ethiopia’s Green Legacy initiative offers a vital chance for the global community to breathe fresh air. In connection with this, the development of green corridors is expanding not only in Addis Ababa but also in other major cities across the country, contributing to the growth of several modern urban areas. Thecorridors incorporate green infrastructure such as parks, greenways, and sustainable energy solutions, promoting environmental sustainability within urban settings. These green corridors can help reduce pollution, promote biodiversity, and create pleasant public spaces.

The Green Legacy Initiative (GLI), launched in June 2019, aims to establish a green and climate-resilient Ethiopia. Ethiopia’s path to a sustainable diplomatic future is intricately tied to the development of smart cities and corridor development projects. These two initiatives are pivotal in shaping the nation’s economic, environmental, and social landscape, enhancing both its domestic development and its standing in the global arena.

By Tesfaye Bezabih (PHD), Researcher & CoS, Institute of Foreign Affairs